Guatemala City North Mission

Guatemala City North Mission

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

Eating our great lunch provided by Sister Torres and her Posse
The Pasion River Ferry

March 1, 2011


This week me and my comp found some really good families to teach and they seamed to love the message so I am really excited to see them progress!

We have to move our house this week. The house that we are moving into is really sweet. A lot smaller and more expensive but really cool. But the lady said who owns it said we had to build her a shed to put some stuff in before we could move in. So every morning last week we had to go a build this thing little by little. haha let’s just say I am glad Guatemalans don’t care about perfection because this thing looked so bad :) but she liked it and today in the afternoon we are moving in.

Last Thursday we had a training as a whole zone with president Torres. pretty much he just taught us how to deal with the answer "no". It helped me a lot actually. President T is really smart, he taught a lot on how to really listen to the investigator and give them the answer that I would want if I were in their situation. Which I have never thought about before so I am excited to work on that. During the training session he called me up to do a demonstration and I had to be the missionary, he was an investigator. haha I had to ask him to get baptized and he said no and then I had to explain to him the reasoning why he needs to get baptized and how the gospel will help him. I was sweatin bullets because it was in front of the whole zone and Pres. Torres was not the easiest investigator that’s for sure. In the end he actually said I did very well and he explained to the whole zone on the hows and whys that I did well :) so that made me feel good.

On Wednesday we were building that shed . Sister Urizar was feeling really sick and had a huge headache. she said its the worst she has felt in her whole mission. She asked me to give her a blessing. Before I even began, I was thinking I need to bless her to a full recovery in just a few hours. Then I realized that I couldn’t do that. so I was kind of freaking out because that thought was in my head again and I didn’t know if I should say it or not. When I layed my hands on her head and was saying the actual blessing that thought came again to my mind. so rather than second guess myself, I just took that as the Spirit telling me to do it. so I said she would be completely better in just a few hours. After the blessing she thanked me and had tears in her eyes, and she told me that was an " inspired prayer" and she knew it was true. She went to her room and took a nap. Two hours later she woke up and called me and told me that she was completely fine , nothing was wrong with her! it was an amazing experience. This priesthood we hold is so true and powerful. Today really made me realize how much it effects our lives daily.

Sunday I gave another talk! I just gave a random talk for about 15 min about how we need to make sacrifices in our lives for this gospel. it turned out pretty good, I had them to laughing in the beginning and was really intense at the end :)

This p-day we went to Yaxha! i went there once like 8 months ago my first change in Peten, thats why I am e-mailing late. It was really fun, really hot, and so pretty. I love Yaxha. its not as big as Tikal but almost, and has some pretty views. Then we went and ate some Pizza Hut and loved it.

Things here are warming up a lot. I have been sweating and working like crazy so time is just flying by!

I love you guys, hope all is well and know that I pray for you daily!

Elder Toolson

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