Guatemala City North Mission

Guatemala City North Mission

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas Conference

Rockin the Elf hat!
Sister T leading music with her lolipop!
I haven't eaten this well in ages! Sister Torres made all the food.
Salad never tasted so good!

December 7th, 2010


I totally got your packages! and loved them, haha I know I usually wait and stuff but I just sat there looking at them all night and realized if I get a change there is no way I am going to be able to carry these beefy monsters with me, so I opened them up with my companion. THANK YOU SO MUCH. The package made my whole week. I have eaten so much candy its ridiculous. This month will not be the healthiest that’s for sure. ha I’ve been wearing my elf hat every morning when I study. I even wore it at the conference we had. Thanks so much, that package will keep me going through Christmas. People here are putting up lights and Christmas trees :) ok and elder Smith´s mom sent me a package as well! so tell her thanks for me mom, she is so awesome, she sent me a bunch of candy, I just love her!

I am writing to you guys on Tuesday because we had our Christmas conference here yesterday. It was supposed to be all fun and spiritual, haha but we had a lot of problems in the mission and had like 25 emergency changes so president gave us a talking to on Monday. but for lunch...oh my gosh I haven’t eaten that good in soooo long! We had ham and potatoes imported from the states, salad, bread, fruit, juice, and apple pie, and Hermana Torres cooked it all her self!!! so it tasted amazing!!. The food alone was worth it. haha the zone leaders asked my district to sing the special hymn number, so we sang, "Regocijad, Jesus NaciĆ³" we actually did pretty well for 6 people who cant sing at all :) and then at the very end we all got a little wooden plaque that said Guatemala City North Mission, and had a picture of Tikal its pretty cool.

Last week me and my comp worked super hard again. We found a family that’s really cool, we contacted them and they let us in like before we even were done saying hello, and they told us they have seen us visiting her neighbor, who’s a less active, and they told us that they have wanted us to come over for some time now, they even found a book of Mormon from some guy and started reading it. They have a sweet desire to progress, I just hope nothing bad goes down, because our two baptismal dates fell last week, that made me sad because they were so sweet, they just cant stop working on Sundays. but all is well, the work is progressing, with Christmas coming soon and I am getting so excited to talk to you guys

I love you guys. glad you all had fun for Thanksgiving! thank you so much for all that you have given me and helped me with!

Love Elder Toolson

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